Friday, July 26, 2013

Introduction to evil !

Hiya faithful Realmers ! How have you been ? Ready for a new post ? Well , today I decided to give you a first hand look at the newest Sacred Grove villain and he is called The Gloam  Overlord . He is a purple floating menace which has unleashed all kinds of evil in Sacred Grove , but he isn't the only one . The newest update on the game has spoiled the summer for the guests at the Seaside Village hotels because of Orchid Eveningtide . She has some pretty crabby plans for Seaside much like her friend the Overlord for Sacred Grove. So here is a preview of both of them :) 


Monday, July 15, 2013

Even ghost pets are real in Free Realms !

So there I was , walking or should I say flying around Blackspore Swamp once when I noticed a ghost - and not a human one but a dog's ghost ! Yep that's right , even they exist in Free Realms ! There are also ghost cats and they can be bought along with the ghost dogs at the pet shops around Sacred Grove but , if you're passing by Blackspore you might want to visit their spooktacular pet shop where they sell ghost pets and alive ones too ! So here is a snapshot I found for ya :D 

New ! Blackspore Coin Locations ! - Gravestone Peek- a - Boo = Rare !

So now that we're finished with the Sanctuary Rare Exploration we will focus on the coin locations in Blackspore also from the rare exploration collection . For completing this collection you get a backpack ( black and purple ) with Blackspore's sign - a black dead tree ! You actually get a backpack for every coin location with the symbol of the place where you find them . So the coin location is : 
This one will require a little fancy jumping but it's not too hard to do . This coin is hidden behind a small hill , and you will have to go around it ( and the graveyard that is not accessible ) to find the inlet and follow the glowing aura . The coin is hiding to the right of a large stand alone gravestone which is kinda hard to get to so it requires the jumping i mentioned above. Good luck finding and getting it !  

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sanctuary Rare Exploration - Over the Rainbow - Coin Location !

To get this coin go to the Sanctuary Pet Shop and then just go straight to a big brown house a bit further and jump in the river from there. Swim 'till you see the coin ! Here is a little video that might help :) 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

How you can win cool prizes for free in Free Realms !

So , I did forget to mention a little detail that is kind of important and that's the Spin for the Win game ! 
Originally it wasn't treated as a minigame , but with the new changes now it belongs in the minigame menu. Before the changes the wheel appeared on its own after an hour of gameplay , but now you have to go to the  game menu  and click the small window that says Wheels . Then the menu bar for available wheel games  shows up and the only wheel game listed is called Spin for the Win . Click on it and the first wheel for a daily prize appears. The usual prizes are yellow blocks , health potions for when you are in battle, pet food , pet shampoo , some clothing , decals for racing cars and many more prizes that even I haven't won yet ! There is also a rumor that you can even win an orange pet cat on the Spin for the Win but i'm not sure about it because i've always won pet supplies when the wheel stopped on the spot marked for pets and pet things. Anyhow I mentioned the only listed wheel game is Spin for the Win but , there is also another unlisted wheel game called Coin Wheel ! With this wheel game you get the chance to win up to 5000 coins every day and also 250 , 500 , 50 , 1000, 2000 coins . And to make it more interesting two spots on the wheel are marked with a robgoblin . That means that if it stops on one of them you don't get coins , instead you win an item like clothing or something for your home . So here is a preview of Spin for the Win ! 

Sanctuary Rare Exploration - A Royal Way In !

To find this token , go straight from the Warp stone into the water and trough in the tunnel ( this is located right from the warp stone , when you get into the water swim under the bridge and you will see the coin! ) . - Hope this will help you find it easier! 

Friday, July 5, 2013

A special introduction to royalty !

Today , I decided to give all you Free Realmers a special treat : Meeting the Queen of Sacred Grove ! Her name is Valorie and she lives in her palace in Sanctuary . She is a pixie and she has been on the throne for some time now . She is occupied with all kinds of problems but the main one now is the Overlord and his minions who have taken over most of Sacred Grove! 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Pixiewood Mist - Sanctuary Rare - Location !

Okay so , to get this one you need to teleport to Sanctuary  . Once there start going across the path left from the warp stone and jump in the water . Swim in the waterfall and you will find the coin !  

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Sanctuary Rare Coins - Break Free - coin location !

Go to the Memorial Caverns ( in Sanctuary , it has a huge entrance and can be found near the castle of Queen Valorie , however neither of these are available on the map  ) and stand on it's beginning . Then , go down through the tunnel and turn left . Jump in the water and swim trough the bars , and turn left again . The coin will be right there for you to collect :) Here is a little video to help :) 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Coin location : Sanctuary Rare Coin Collection - Darvon's Spot !

Okay so here is how you get to the coin called Darvon's Spot which is a part of the Rare Collection of Sanctuary - First , you go the map and choose Darvon's Descent . When you get there , start swimming in the water and you should find the coin . Here is a photo of the coin's location :)

Dino code day !

Okay so as I promised you will get one of the following once every day - either a code or a coin location . So today I decided to give a coin location plus a little treat - a link to where you can get your very own free pet for Free Realms ! It's the Triceratops code - theat's a baby three horn dinosaur and it's male and blue and of course super cute ! So here is the link :  . 
Okay so , it's very simple : All you have to do is create an account on the site link i gave u guys and look up free realms triceratops . The generator will only give you one code that can be used once per account, and don't worry the sign up only requests that u enter an email and password without any charges ;) So just create an account and get the code from the code generator - simple isn't it ? Well enjoy your new pet ! :D